concha y toro merlot

Answering Wine Questions on Winephabet Street

Welcome to our latest installment of #WinephabetStreet brought to you by Dracaena Wines and Trio North Wildwood. In this series, Debbie Gioquindo and I work our way through the wine world one letter each month. We discuss the characteristics and history of the grape, as well as suggested wine pairings. So uncork, unscrew or saber…


I is for Indigenous Yeast on Winephabet Street

Welcome to our latest installment of #WinephabetStreet brought to you by Dracaena Wines and Kitchen 330. In this series, Debbie Gioquindo and I work our way through the wine world one letter each month. We discuss the characteristics and history of the grape, as well as suggested wine pairings. So uncork, unscrew or saber that…



People get riled up over headlines, but very few actually read the actual article. The authors are fully aware of this and try their best to write a caption that catches the population’s eye. It happens all the time. I guess its human nature. Today, we are delving into SO2, the divalent anionic compound that has…

The Science Behind Not Drinking Glass

I love sparkling wine. I enjoy the bubbles. The festivity that it embodies and the joy that ensues. There is something special about sparkling wine. The yeasty flavor and tingling sensation on my tongue makes me a Sparkling fanatic.   This article isn’t about the difference between Champagne and Sparkling. It’s not about how Prosecco differs…

Battle of the Sexes and Marvelous Odoriferous Molecules

I’m sure you have heard of the five “S’s” of wine; See – Swirl – Sniff – Sip – Savor.  Although most people associate ‘sip’ as the most influential aspect of wine tasting, it is actually the ‘sniff’ that is the main sense we use to appreciate wine.   We swirl the wine to release the aromas…