Times they are a changing!
Come gather ’round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown.
These lyrics by Bob Dylan are a perfect analogy for my life right now. I began writing this blog in April of 2014 after calling a college friend and asking what the heck a blog was. All I knew was that I enjoyed writing and loved wine, and thought it was a good idea to combine the two.
I am humbled 535 blog posts later to see the opportunities that have been provided to me simply because I write about something I love. I am in shock when I think about having won the prestigious Milliésima Award, being the finalist for Born Digital Awards, named in the top 15 Influential Wine Writers and top 100 wine blogs and it is all because of you.. my readers. So from the bottom of my heart; THANK YOU!
I remember writing my first post and wondering if anyone actually would read it (other than my mother) and now I can’t believe that it is 7 years later. Not only do I still enjoy writing about wine, but writing this blog has given me the desire to expand my knowledge. I am a proud UC Davis winemaking program graduate. I hold WSET L2 with distinction, Somm Day Service Certification as well as a Champagne specialist and Côte du Rhône. I am currently enrolled in the Aragón Wine Expert class and loving every minute. I have had the pleasure of traveling to see magnificent wine regions first hand and have come to love wines from areas I had never heard of before. And most importantly, I have met so many amazing people along the way; many that I am proud to call friends.
And now, I am transitioning again. My desire to write about wine professionally has been gnawing at me for quite some time. Writing a blog is wonderful. The ability to express yourself is a fantastic outlet, but when your article gets accepted by a literary magazine, it is an spectacular feeling.
I am so honored to have my article, One Glass to Rule Them All, published in Santé Magazine. I am often asked by friends, especially during the holiday season, if they need to have different wine glasses for different wines. And it is this question that was my inspiration for the article. Ironically, words are difficult to come by to describe how thrilled I am to see my words officially in print.

Click the title below to read the article.