hippocampus of the brain

Wine or Whine? Here Comes a Rant!

An article recently found its way to my inbox from Vanguard Magazine.  It was titled Women who believe white wine makes them do crazy things! The heading was perfect clickbait, as it immediately raised my blood pressure and I found myself clicking the link to read more.  The article begins with “After guzzling a few…

jampal grape

Join Us For Winephabet Street: Jampal

What is Winephabet Street, you ask? Think of it as Sesame Street for Winelovers! It is a livestream/podcast/blogpost interactive discussion all about wine.  Winephabet Street is a collaboration between Debbie Gioquindo, aka HVWineGoddess, and myself. We will be working our way through the alphabet discussing wine varieties and regions. So grab a glass and join…