
Podcast Ep. 70 – Winephabet Street; P is for Picpoul

Welcome to our latest installment of #WinephabetStreet. In this series, Debbie Gioquindo and I will be working our way through the wine world by way of the alphabet. Each month we will take the next letter in the alphabet and learn the characteristics and history of the grape, as well as suggested wine pairings. So uncork,…

Welcome to Winephabet Street; P is for Picpoul

What is Winephabet Street, you ask? Think of it as Sesame Street for Winelovers! It is a livestream/podcast/blogpost interactive discussion all about wine.  Winephabet Street is a collaboration between Debbie Gioquindo, aka HVWineGoddess, and myself. We will be working our way through the alphabet discussing wine varieties and regions. So grab a glass and join…

The Science Behind Not Drinking Glass

I love sparkling wine. I enjoy the bubbles. The festivity that it embodies and the joy that ensues. There is something special about sparkling wine. The yeasty flavor and tingling sensation on my tongue makes me a Sparkling fanatic.   This article isn’t about the difference between Champagne and Sparkling. It’s not about how Prosecco differs…


Podcast Ep. 67 – Winephabet Street; O is for Orvieto

Welcome to our next installment of #WinephabetStreet. In this series, Debbie Gioquindo and I will be working our way through the wine world by way of the alphabet. Each month we will take the next letter in the alphabet and learn the characteristics and history of the grape, as well as suggested wine pairings. So uncork,…