Picture It
January 2017, spending the final evening in a house that was sold. Everything is packed. The emotions are running haywire. Thrilled and nervous at the same time about all the changes that are occurring in life. The packers have finally left and it is dinner time. You do the final walk through of the house to make sure that everything is indeed in boxes and to your pleasure, there isn’t a single paperclip, pen or paper towel left behind. It is time to sit, relax and reflect. You call your favorite local restaurant to order your favorite meal for the last time. As you hang up the phone, panic strikes! Sheer, unadulterated fear consumes you all the way down to your soul! Every bottle of wine has been packed! You immediately begin to scream but comfort can not be found.
After a brief breakdown, you begin to regain control and decide you will go to the local wine shop and purchase a bottle. Problem solved, well half a problem. You start googling ways to open a wine bottle without a bottle opener. You know you have seen loads of articles about that! However, everything that you can use to open the bottle is also packed. Back to square one! Then it happens. Then you get an idea, an awful idea, a wonderful awful idea! You knew just what to do. You laughed in your throat and you grabbed your winter hat and coat. And you chuckled, and clucked, “What a great wine trick!”
You drive to your local wine shop and choose a wine that will pair amazingly with your favorite meal. You confidently walk up to the cashier and hand them your wine. You flash your best smile and you coyly wink your eye and flip your hair as you ask in your most gentle voice, “Do you mind opening this for me?” You listen to how that can’t be done, and you proceed to bat your eyelashes more and maybe, just maybe a tear is forming as you tell your story.
Two minutes later you are walking out of the wine shop with opened bottle in hand. Smiling and laughing at your sheer genius! As you gently place the opened bottle (cork in top) in the seat next to you, you make a promise to yourself to never ever be in that situation again. You decide you will make sure you always have a bottle opener with you. You decide to begin a mission to find the best bottle opener you can, so that you will always have an easy time opening your wine.
Brief History of the Bottle Opener
In its most basic form a corkscrew is a simple tool used for drawing corks from wine bottles. The traditionalist version is a pointed metallic helix (worm) attached to a handle. The user screws the worm into the cork and then pulls in order to extract it. Over time, different styles of corkscrews have been invented using different types of levers to make the cork removal easier.
It is believed that the original design was developed from the tool that musketmen used to remove unused charges from the gun’s barrel in the early 1630s. Although there is some controversy who actually invented the corkscrew, the first patent was filed in 1795 in England by Reverend Samuel Henshall. He placed a disc (now known as a Henshall Button) between the helix and the handle. The disk’s job was to prevent the helix from going too deep into the cork and forced it to turn as the use turned the crosspiece. This action broke the adhesion between the neck of the bottle and the cork itself.
Types of Corkscrews
Avina Wine Tools
I was contacted by Francesca of Avina wine tools and asked if I would be interested in trying out one of their bottle openers. They have five different types. Four waiter’s knives and one winged style opener and also have wine charms and a bottle stopper.
As with many companies, Avina was started out of frustration of using other products. One too many wine mishaps in the refrigerator and the desire to be able to relax with a glass of wine without having a corkscrew fall apart or destroy a cork while opening was enough to inspire this line of wine tools. With a desire to create products that focused on quality craftsmanship, innovative design and superior functionality, Avina wine products went from being an idea to becoming a reality. They have such faith in their products that they have a phenomenal “You Break It, We Replace It” guarantee, so you never have to buy another wine corkscrew or beer bottle opener again. How amazing is that?
My Experience
I received the Barracuda – Bartenders Corkscrew & Bottle Opener set. It comes in a delightful package and retails for $28.99 (hint hint – makes for a great present.) The opener is made from steel and ebony and is designed to fit ergonomically in your hand.
I can attest that it fits nicely on both a sparkling wine and Burgundy bottles. Those are what I have used them on so far. They fit in easily and snap into place. When you open you can hear the air come out showing that it was sealed securely. They state no leaking while in a lied down position, so I wanted to put the stopper to the test. I lied the bottles down and there was no leaking what so ever over a two-day period. As for the wine, it held up and tasted just as good as it did when I opened the bottle. Once again, I have no complaints. I love these products!
Get Your Own
Avina Wine Products have given me authority to offer a special deal to my readers and social media followers. They created the discount code AVINA15A which will give you 15% off any order. All you have to do is purchase from their website (www.avinawinetools.com) or Amazon.com and insert the promotional code during the checkout process. I love these products and I think you will too!
Disclosure of wine sample submission: I received these products at no cost from Avina Wine Tools. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are entirely my own.

May you have even more great memories in your new destination. May the move be a wonderful experience and all the best on your new adventure.
Thank you John!
Great review of wine openers. Let’s keep in touch [email protected]
Yes!!!! Let’s keep in touch. I will send you an email.