jampal grape

Join Us For Winephabet Street: Jampal

What is Winephabet Street, you ask? Think of it as Sesame Street for Winelovers! It is a livestream/podcast/blogpost interactive discussion all about wine.  Winephabet Street is a collaboration between Debbie Gioquindo, aka HVWineGoddess, and myself. We will be working our way through the alphabet discussing wine varieties and regions. So grab a glass and join…

Portugal’s Political History Affects Its Culinary and Wine Culture #WinePW

Tumultuous History Located in the southwestern portion of the Iberian Peninsula, near the  Atlantic Ocean, Portugal was founded in 1128 when Afonso Henriques defeated his mother in battle and declared himself the sole leader. He proclaimed himself King in 1139 making Portugal officially independent. Continuing his march southward, he forced out the Moors in 1149, and…