Yeah, I may be jumping the gun here! But it would be really nice to think that we will still be celebrating #CabFrancDay on December 4, 2115! 100 years of Cabernet Franc love would make me so happy. I know I will be long into my after life and busy haunting everyone who annoyed me during my time on earth, but my ethereal self will be thrilled to take break from the tormenting and enjoy a nice glass of Cabernet Franc.
Sagittarius-born people (of which I am) are philosophical and have a strong sense of right and wrong.Click To Tweet Well, I thought it was wrong that Cabernet Franc didn’t have day, so I jumped in with two feet, and all my heart, to make a day that people can celebrate this grape varietal.
This past Friday, December 4th, was the first ever #CabFrancDay.Click To Tweet I have spent quite a bit of energy and time trying to get this day recognized. Mike and I love the varietal [obviously] and I really felt that the grape was not getting its just due. It irritated me that Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec and Sauvignon Blanc had their own days. It infuriated me that Merlot gets a whole month! Don’t misunderstand me, I love the fact that there are wine holidays. I love celebrating them! I am more than happy to open several bottles of Merlot during the month of October [or any other time of the year.] What bothers me is that Cabernet Franc is the parent of Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec and Merlot, yet didn’t have its own day.
I admit, I really had no clue what I was doing- which is the way I do a lot of things in my life. But I wanted #CabFrancDay to be successful, so it was stressful. So what did it take to get the day recognized? I contacted some people on social media that I knew could help me. I started with Jim Finely of American Winery Guide. You know who he is! He is the person behind the Wine Lover’s Calendar. He recommended starting a Facebook page, so I immediately did so! I contacted Julien Miquel of SocialVignerons and he was kind enough to allow me to write a guest blog post allowing me to explain why Cabernet Franc should have its day.
From there, I sent out a lot of direct messages to people on twitter and what I found out was there were a lot of people out there who really do love the varietal and wanted to help support the day. I honestly have no idea how it traveled so far, because as I look at the posts for #CabFrancDay there are so many people who posted and I have no direct contact with them. I am just amazed and filled with joy!
As we approached 8pm EST, I signed on and I couldn’t believe what I saw! #CabFrancDay was trending. I never thought that we would be a trending topic. I had to laugh when a Michelle of RockinRedBlog congratulated me on the trend and said “It’s tough to beat a cookie!” It also happened to be National Cookie Day, and yes, it is tough to beat that! I want to thank several people who really helped me and supported me. First is Michelle. Thank you so much! You have supported CabFrancDay and Dracaena Wines, since day 1 and I appreciate it so much! Dave Razzari, was Dracaena Wines’ first customer! He was the very first person to purchase our wine and not only has he supported us he decided CabFrancDay wasn’t enough and he celebrated CabFrancWeek! Thank you for all your pictures and help in promoting this day. Travelwinechick, supported us as both herself and Ehlers Estate! Sally Hanssen, Nacy Brazil, Joey Casco, Kari Koivisto, thewininghour, Allison Wallace and Luiz Alberto were others that took time away from their busy days to help support the day. Thank you! There are so many others including many wineries that participated by having discounted Cab Franc tastings and those who participated in the chat itself. Although I can’t mention each of you, I appreciate each of you more than you will ever know.
Although I can’t answer what #CabFrancDay will look like in 100 years, I know there will definitely be a second anniversary. With so many people who have a love for this varietal I know we will be celebrating for many years to come.Thank you to everyone who participated this year, and stay tuned for a bigger and better #CabFrancDay next year! Because there are a lot of people who feel the same as the license plate below.


COngrats Lorri. It’s such a delight to see Cab Franc gaining attention through your baby #CabFrancDay.
I’m glad I’ve been able to help a little with Social Vignerons community and supporters 🙂
As you know, I’m a big fan of the grape and it’s great to see it brough under the spotlight by passionate people like you.
Perhaps because I’m also a Sagittarius (happy Birthday by the way, late or early !!) I also find it’s a positive struggle.
Keep the passion up Lorri 🙂 Cheers
Yeah! Sagittarius! Happy Birthday to you also! I’m the 28th, what about you? Thank you so much for your help and support! I will keep it up because I’m hoping next year is even better!
Next year’s theme: Crush the Cookie! Great job. Way to go! So happy to be a small part and proud of you and Mike for your first vintage! Thanks for the shout out! Cheers
I love that theme! I’ll start working on it! LOL Thank you again!