Wine Wonderland: A Tale of Three Regions and a Rainbow Delight

Have you ever felt that the universe was trying to tell you something? Nature has a funny way of knowing how you feel and somehow demonstrates her wisdom at moments that you need it the most.  On a recent drive, I was feeling tired and just beaten down and as I turned the bend, there…

Join Us on Winephabet Street; Petit Manseng

Join Us on Winephabet Street; Petit Manseng

What is Winephabet Street, you ask? Think of it as Sesame Street for Winelovers! It is a livestream/podcast/blogpost interactive discussion all about wine.  Winephabet Street is a collaboration between Debbie Gioquindo, aka HVWineGoddess, and myself. We will be working our way through the alphabet discussing wine varieties and regions. So grab a glass and join…

bottle with dinner

Exploring Virginian Tannat With Stinson Vineyards

History of Tannat The term Tannat is a derivative of “tannin” and for good reason. Wines derived from Tannat is typically very dark, rustic and rather powerful thanks to the extremely thick skins. Another interesting characteristic that adds to the tannic structure of the wine is the high seed count of the grape. Tannat grapes…