Become an Expert on Cabernet Franc

Cabernet Franc is an essential blending grape, found primarily in  Bordeaux-style blends. Cabernet Franc was primarily used as the third and smallest minority ingredient in the production of the coveted Bordeaux blend. Cabernet Franc helps create meritage magic with its constant companions, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot.  Cardinal Richelieu transported Cabernet Franc cuttings from Abbey of…

Exploring the Wine Glass June 22, 2016

Fàilte! Welcome to the next installment of Exploring the Wine Glass. Mike and I are big proponents of you should drink what you like and you are the only one who can taste like you. We advocate the fact that everyone experiences the wine differently, so in these posts we do not discuss our tasting notes.  Instead we include basic information…


In the Wind of Pleasure

Last month Ted of The Drunken Cyclist won the Monthly Wine Writing Challenge #23 (#MWWC23) and just like all previous winners of the Challenge, his “reward” was to choose the theme for the following Challenge (in this case #MWWC24). He decide on the theme of “Pleasure.” Honestly, I didn’t know how I would approach this theme until I read…

When Will Some Day Be? Open That Bottle Now

The final Saturday of February has been declared “Open That Bottle Night” or #OTBN. It was created by two Wall Street Journalists who realized that too many people kept waiting for that special day to open a bottle of wine. Dorothy Gaiter and John Brecher , known on twitter as [email protected] created the event in 2000, and it…