Sunday, December 4th will be the second annual #CabFrancDay. All day
we will be tweeting facts about Cabernet Franc. We will culminate the day with a twitter chat beginning at 8pm EST and a virtual tasting at 9pm EST. My #WinePW friends will be joining in the celebration and extending the fun throughout the week into our December chat on Saturday December 10th at 11am EST.
As the creator of #CabFrancDay, I will be hosting the December #WinePW. I am being purposely vague about what the mission, if they choose to accept it, will be. All I ask is that they pick up a bottle of Cabernet Franc and pair it with whatever their heart desires! Cabernet Franc is such a versatile variety, it can pair with almost anything, so I am excited to see what creative dishes my friends will come up with. These posts will be shared on Cab Franc Day’s website and if someone creates a pairing they absolutely adore, I am hoping they will let me add it to our recipe page!
The #WinePW crew will be having a live #winePW Twitter Chat on December 10, 11 a.m. EST. If you have blog and would like to participate just follow the steps below. If you don’t have a blog, you can still join in the chat!
Send an email to tell me you’re in: Include your blog url and Twitter handle. If you know your blog post title now, include that…but you can send me that a bit closer to the event.My email is dracaenawines AT
Send your post title to me by Monday, December 5th to be included in the preview post. I will do a preview post shortly after getting the titles, linking to your blogs. Your title should include “#winePW “
Publish your post between 12:01 a.m-7:00 a.m. EST on Saturday, December 10th. You can always schedule your post in advance if you will be tied up around then. (or asleep)
Include a link to the other #winePW participants in your post, and a description of what the event is about. I’ll provide the html code you can easily put in your initial post–which will link to people’s general blog url–then updated code for the permanent links to everyone’s #winePW posts.
Get social! After the posts go live, please visit your fellow bloggers posts’ to comment and share. I’ll follow-up later with some specific strategies for that social sharing.
Sponsored posts OK if clearly disclosed. Please be sure to disclose if your post is sponsored or if you are describing wine or other products for which you have received a free sample.
Live #winePW Twitter Chat December 10th 11am EST: Join in the fun during the live twitter chat on Saturday where we will discuss our #CabFrancLove!
If you are still on the fence about joining in, you can check out David’s original post introducing the idea. But you know you are going to want to join! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me or send me a tweet!

We are looking forward to participating in Cab Franc Day Sunday and writing about the wines we taste for #WinePW!
It’s going to be a fun time! Thank you for your support!