Here’s Why We Should Celebrate Cabernet Franc Day

I wrote this post exclusively for  It was originally posted on September 7, 2015.  I am so thankful to Julien Miquel for his help and support in getting Cabernet Franc Day recognized as a wine holiday.  I would also like to thank Jim Finley of American Winery Guide for his support. So on December 4th, be…


The Ballad of Cab Franc

Fáilte! This is my entry to the Monthly Wine Writers Challenge.  Last month, Frank of Frankly Wines, was the winner and provided the theme for the new Monthly Wine Writing Challenge (#MWWC20). The thought behind this friendly competition was that as wine writers we get caught up in all the wine and  often forget about the creativity aspect of writing.   For…

What’s behind the number? The wine tasting conundrum.

The illustrious perfect wine.  Can there really be a perfect wine? If there is, does an individual or a group get to decide what is perfect for you?  Wine tasting is a very subjective action.  It’s not like a multiple choice test when you were in school, where there was a correct answer and you…