San Marco on Winephabet Street

San Marco on Winephabet Street

Welcome to our latest installment of #WinephabetStreet brought to you by Dracaena Wines and Trio North Wildwood. In this series, Debbie Gioquindo and I work our way through the wine world one letter each month. We discuss the characteristics and history of the grape, as well as suggested wine pairings. So uncork, unscrew or saber…

san marco grapes on vine

Join Us on Winephabet Street; San Marco

What is Winephabet Street, you ask? Think of it as Sesame Street for Winelovers! It is a livestream/podcast/blogpost interactive discussion all about wine.  Winephabet Street is a collaboration between Debbie Gioquindo, aka HVWineGoddess, and myself. We will be working our way through the alphabet discussing wine varieties and regions. So grab a glass and join…

the Hulk being angry

As a Wine Lover This is Fake News But as a Scientist it Pisses Me Off

This past week, I read an article about capsules on wine. Granted, the title caught my eye, and I clicked on the bait. After reading the article I was infuriated on different levels.  Study reveals capsules and foils prevent bacterial contamination Ever since I was young, I loved science. My very first science class taught…

chardonnay grapes

Chardonnay – The Basics

Burgundian History Chardonnay’s birthplace is Burgundy, France. When the western half of the Roman Empire collapsed, Germanic people crossed the Rhine and established their dominancy at Worms in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The area is situated on the Upper Rhine about 60 km (40 mi) south-southwest of Frankfurt am Main. Worms is one of the oldest cities of northern Europe. Over the next…

Join Us on Winephabet Street; Rkatsiteli

Join Us on Winephabet Street; Rkatsiteli

What is Winephabet Street, you ask? Think of it as Sesame Street for Winelovers! It is a livestream/podcast/blogpost interactive discussion all about wine. Winephabet Street is a collaboration between Debbie Gioquindo, aka HVWineGoddess, and myself. We will be working our way through the alphabet discussing wine varieties and regions. So grab a glass and join…

winephabet street image with questions

More Burning Questions on Winephabet Street

Welcome to our latest installment of #WinephabetStreet brought to you by Dracaena Wines and Trio North Wildwood. In this series, Debbie Gioquindo and I work our way through the wine world one letter each month. We discuss the characteristics and history of the grape, as well as suggested wine pairings. So uncork, unscrew or saber…

concha y toro merlot

Answering Wine Questions on Winephabet Street

Welcome to our latest installment of #WinephabetStreet brought to you by Dracaena Wines and Trio North Wildwood. In this series, Debbie Gioquindo and I work our way through the wine world one letter each month. We discuss the characteristics and history of the grape, as well as suggested wine pairings. So uncork, unscrew or saber…